
Sabrina Carpenter的具体情况

Sabrina Carpenter的具体情况


Sabrina Carpenter的具体情况








Sabrina is 10 year old who dreams of becoming a

world-reknown entertainer. She has loved singing and dancing her entire short life!

Her first taste of entertaining, besides dancing at age 2, was in kindergarten. She sang "I Enjoy Being a Girl" in her school's talent show and received a standing ovation. From that point forward, Sabrina decided that entertainment was the path for her.

She recently placed in the top 3 of over 10,000 people in the Miley Cyrus "Are You a Star" contest that lasted for over a year with multiple videos and songs posted for the contest. She was the youngest from the top 50 at age 9.

She has taken voice instruction for the past 4 years as well as piano and now is starting guitar. She has also challenged herself by learning multilingual songs in an effort to touch other parts of the world. Sabrina has many plans this year including some live local performances and is also hoping to record a CD. Her hope is that she will continue to grow and learn and to meet many people in the industry to help her reach her goals.

"My goal is simple and it's to just entertain people with my music and dancing. I also hope to inspire others, young and old, to do what they love to do no matter what people say, think, or do."

"People that inspire me are Jesus first, my parents, teachers, and people that have a love and passion for music as much as me."

